Perhaps they are getting their brains prepared for internet-vangelism.. That way they can sell off property??
cha ching
JoinedPosts by cha ching
Why the change?
by Fadeaway1962 inpossible cancelling the memorial after years of experiences of bro/sis under nazi , communist oppression and many other countries still conducting the memorial under threat of death that the governing body is listening to the superior authorities regarding this virus pandemic.. could it be that after taking control of the k/halls that the branch/governing body would be responsible for any disobedience to the civil authorities and liable for any deaths.. they would have left upto the local body of elders and encouraged obedience to god rather than men and a lack of faith in jehovah to protect his people..
How Will the Quarantined Dubbies React When the "All Clear" Sounds?
by Room 215 inseriously, i can't help wondering whether their hiatus from meetings and service will alter their post-covid-19 lifestyle once they experience the freedom of life in the absence of the hamster wheel?.
cha ching
That is what starts a lot of people on the road to 'awakening'.
Brainwashing needs to be constant... THAT is why WT repeats, repeats, repeats EVERY simple, anal thing. They HAVE to.
My son started awakening when he went to a different language congregation. (They couldn't drill his brain).... The ex-JW missionary from China awakens, as there are no meetings to brainwash you, you can't speak directly about your beliefs.
There are some good side effects of this lock-down.
Darkspilver case decided: his posts were fair use, not copyright infringement; subpoena quashed
by Corney inthe final order was issued few hours ago:.
the record establishes that darkspilver made fair use of the watch tower ad and chart.
cha ching
Haha, Biahi! Love it! The new "where's Waldo?"!!!
Richness of personality seems to work against spiritual-mindedness,
by snugglebunny inare you bland enough?
just incredible imho.
wt 63, 2/15.
cha ching
OMG! "Colorful personalities!?!" What?
It also appears that inherited qualities have no small bearing on the extent to which we permit the holy spirit to have a free flow in our lives or tend to obstruct its activity.
Wahoo! Now it's what you're born with!
Good thing I left ;-)
Anyone from Cathcart congregation!
by R1001 inhey everyone, just joined this.
anyone here from cathcart congregation or any others in glasgow?
left there 3 years ago when i was 17. .
cha ching
Welcome, I am in the U.S., but I have family in Scotland. Beautiful country. Glad you made it out!
Not invited to congregation “get togethers”. They finally said it
by solomon inwe don’t get many invitations to congregational social gatherings.
we don’t attend midweek meetings and miss about 1/3 of sunday meetings.
we go in service at least once a month.
cha ching
Blackmail at it's finest.
Just saw this on Facebbok, by Barbara Anderson, Disfellowshiping cancelled by "worldly" Court !
by Phizzy inexcuse the translation to english not being perfect ,.
barbara anderson.
33 mins · .
cha ching
Governments make laws regarding human rights. Should there be slaves? At one time there were slaves. Fortunately, the government changed over time and made it illegal. They were challenged, they changed.
Human rights. Churches make rules regarding human rights. Should they be allowed to? Who can challenge them? They claim god-given rights.
At one time, according to the Bible, they sacrifice children in fire to Molech. That is what their 'god' required of them.
Mormons use to claim the 'god-given right' to have many wives. They were challenged by government, human rights laws were changed. Other religions allow men to marry very young girls.
Should humans have the right to change religions? Can religions be challenged without penalty?
When JWs testify against illegal action by WT, they get disfellowshipped, lose their business, their families. If this happened in a business setting (a corporation fired an employee for testifying against their illegal actions) the employee could sue for illegal dismissing.
Teachers, nurses, doctors and more must report even a SUSPICION of child abuse. Churches claim "clergy penitent privilege" ... even when an abuse victim comes to them for help.
Why do religions have rights that businesses don't? Rights that enable destructive, harmful behavior.
When was it time for you to walk away from your congregation meetings and the WTBTS?
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthe basic virtue for a human being is to be true to yourself – the integrity of thought, emotion, and action.. .
ten years ago ( after 32 years as a jehovah's witness), i finally decided that my own mental sanity and being true to myself was more important than attending congregation meetings and serving the watchtower society.
i stopped (years before) field service, the ministry school, answering at the watchtower studies, missed numerous meetings and walked in minutes before the meetings started and left after the closing prayer, i knew it was time to leave.
cha ching
My 'mom' (haha, not so much a 'mom' now that I've left) studied and started meetings when I was five.... 1960.... I went to meetings w/my soon to be 3 sisters and a brother.
2010 the generation teaching changed... I called Bethel, spoke w/a 'bro' about "why"... "explain it to me".... He said "Our brothers work so hard, wait for the article".
2011 The two articles about 607 came out, I realized that ALL of it was a numbers game and a bunch of BS, could not stand to "sit with men of lies", could not stand going to a meeting after that! (My husband had woken up also)
Helped my son, his wife, my sister and other son escape this deceit!
So glad, so thankful!
PS, thank you ZingMND, I believe your posts are very valuable, and true for helping others awaken. Developing a strong, loving relationship, with great memories outside the org is valuable also (go hiking, dancing, biking, whatevering together). Thx again!
What can a therapist really do?
by Thetruthhurts inhi all, i've not read the forums for awhile as i've been trying to move on with my life but i'm back and posting for the first time feeling like i cant get a grip.
so i'm wondering for those of you that have seen a therapist and say that it truly helps, what can be accomplished?
i'm just really skeptical, but starting to feel desperate.
cha ching
Thetruthhurts, I "PM'd" you... that means I sent you a message.. Look up by your name at the top of the page, there is a little envelope by it... It probably says "2". Click on it, and you will see my messages. ;-)
The "figurative" heart
by Sour Grapes inabout 25 years ago i gave a talk about how when the bible talks about the heart that it is the literal heart and how the heart and the brain are connected by nerve tissue.
the watchtower even stated that some people who received a heart transplant would take on some of the personality of the donor.then all of a sudden the borg changed and said that when the bible refers to the heart that it is figurative.
then when ever the watchtower referred to the heart it always put the word figurative in front of it.. does anyone know why there was a change in the use of the word heart?
cha ching
My guess? Someone, of the higher ups... or someone's friend or child was going to die...
They needed to change it so that they could "conscientiously" receive much needed medical treatment.